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Micronutrients play a significant role in supporting the performance of athletes. It directly affects the energy levels while working out and also aids in muscle recovery and maintenance. Most people get the needed micronutrients through their diet, but dietary food isn't just good enough when it comes to athletes and bodybuilders. The reason is they stay active throughout the day and have multiple training sessions, due to which they lose micronutrients through sweat. Therefore

athletes need to focus on their micronutrients intake to stay at the top of their game and perform optimally and reduce any risk of injury in the future

While every micronutrient has its important characteristics, this article will focus on the top six micronutrients that athletes need to focus to perform optimally.


It’s shockingly easy to become calcium deficient unless you drink a lot of milk or eat tens of bowls of leafy vegetables. Even though you’ve heard it before, it’s worth repeating that calcium is really crucial for bone strength. While this may appear to be something only the elderly should consider, it is also essential for athletes who lift heavy weights and train hard. According to research, calcium has improved testosterone levels and improved body composition by promoting muscle gain. Also read our article on The Many Health Benefits Of Calcium For Athletic Men & Women and get to know why the advantages of calcium and why it is so important.

Vitamin D

This nutrient is one of the most accessible to everyone because we can get it from the sun. Yet, it's ironic that still, most people are deficient.

Athletes also have a strong correlation between appropriate Vitamin D and adequate testosterone, crucial for muscle development. For example, one randomized controlled experiment published in Hormone and Metabolic Research discovered that a year of supplementing with roughly 3,333 IU (nearly three times the recommended consumption) resulted in an average 20% increase in testosterone levels.

15-minute full-body sun exposure will provide you with all the benefits you require, but the vast majority of us cannot do this in our daily lives. It's found in minimal levels in some foods, such as eggs and salmon, but it's challenging to meet the RDI through diet alone. Therefore, supplementing it won't be a bad idea at all to meet your requirements.


This mineral is commonly associated with immunity, but there’s a lot more to it. Its link to the muscle growth hormone is crucial for athletes. It also appears to aid with nutritional absorption, which can be especially difficult when you’re pounding on thousands of calories each day to fuel athletic performance. It has also been shown to drastically reduce specific indicators related to inflammation, suggesting that it may be effective for post-workout recovery. However, it’s relatively easy to get enough zinc in diets that include meat products, athletes who are meat-free need to supplement it to fulfil their RDA. We have dedicated an entire article on zinc in relation to fitness so go give a read and make your notes. Article titled, What Does Zinc Do? Does it Help in Bodybuilding & Staying Fit?

B Vitamins

B vitamins play a variety of activities in the body, including energy production and amino acid metabolism. For athletes, the quantity of micronutrients they need maybe twice as much as is now advised for the general population because of their rigorous workout routine and tendency to lose nutrients through sweat. Vitamin B1 concentrations in the blood are affected mainly by intense training. Vitamin B deficiency may be a problem for gymnasts, boxers, and wrestlers who compete in sports that restrict body weight. This is because they have to limit their diet and dial down their calories intake to a certain level, due to which they might not be getting enough vitamin B1 from the food sources.


Maintaining a steady supply of oxygen to your muscles is an integral part of iron’s role. This becomes even more important when you are training hard and in the recovery process.  Muscle weariness and a weakened immune system are common symptoms of an iron deficiency diet. Since plant iron, or non-heme iron, is not as easily absorbed and utilized by the human body as meat-derived iron, vegan athletes may require more iron in their diets than their meat-eating peers.

When it comes to iron, it’s best to eat foods that are high in vitamin C, including fruits and vegetables, to boost your absorption by four or six times. Iron absorption can be reduced by drinking coffee, tea, or dark sodas before or after a meal because of the caffeine content. Given its important role in the body, we have covered in detail in another blog, Iron – Why It Is Important for Both Men and Women? Here, the health benefits of iron has been discussed in detail.


Magnesium is involved in hundreds of body functions, including muscular contraction, bone production, and energy metabolism. Additionally, because magnesium is lost through sweat, research indicates that athletes may require more magnesium in their diet.

Unlike some other minerals, which may be obtained from two to three servings of high-quality sources, the majority of foods containing magnesium give only 10-20% of your daily intake, making it critical to include a range of sources in your diet or add a good supplement to meet your RDA.

Multivitamins Should Be Your Go-To Supplement

If you start buying a supplement for every vitamin and mineral mentioned, your house will be stacked with supplements. Therefore, choosing a good multivitamin like Maximult for both Men and Women from Epicvita becomes essential to fulfill your daily requirements of these nutrients without burning a hole in your pocket.

Maximult is a NABL certified and 3rd party lab-tested supplement with 50+ ingredients to assist all athletes and bodybuilders in their nutritional needs.

The Bottom Line

There are many benefits to following a well-balanced diet, but athletes must first grasp how micronutrients interact with one another. Athletes will endure weariness, muscle cramps, and even injury if they don't have enough of these micronutrients. Therefore, an essential part of staying in shape is understanding how to properly supplement your diet with the proper nutrients at the right times of the day.


Boyle, N., Lawton, C., & Dye, L. (2017). The Effects of Magnesium Supplementation on Subjective Anxiety and Stress—A Systematic Review. Nutrients, 9(5), 429.

Gonzalez, J. T., Rumbold, P. L. S., & Stevenson, E. J. (2012). Effect of calcium intake on fat oxidation in adults: a meta-analysis of randomized, controlled trials. Obesity Reviews, 13(10), 848–857.

Wehr, E., Pilz, S., Boehm, B., März, W., & Obermayer-Pietsch, B. (2009). Association of vitamin D status with serum androgen levels in men. Clinical Endocrinology. Published.

Prasad, A. S. (2013). Discovery of Human Zinc Deficiency: Its Impact on Human Health and Disease. Advances in Nutrition, 4(2), 176–190.

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