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Walk into any health and supplement store today, and you will find ginseng - in powdered form, in tea and even toothpaste. Ginseng is an adaptogenic herb that has been shown to have numerous health benefits and have become an increasingly popular go-to supplement for many fitness enthusiasts. But very few people are familiar with the fact that ginseng has a long medicinal history and was used as a traditional Chinese medicine to promote health and longevity. 

In this article, we will discuss numerous possible health benefits of Ginseng specifically for athletes, weight trainers and body builders.  We will also study Ginseng’s mechanisms of action, so you can get a good grasp of how it interacts with the body and get the most out of it.  

What is Ginseng?

ginseng root

Ginseng is one of the oldest and commonly used herbs in the entire world, and for a good reason. It is a perennial herb that is a part of the Araliaceae family. Ginseng has numerous health benefits & put to use for centuries as a tonic, stimulant, and aphrodisiac. It contains two noteworthy compounds — gintonin & ginsenosides. Both these compounds complement each other to provide several health benefits.  

Ginseng seems to be a promising and potent health promoter in several clinical trials, especially beneficial for athletes & bodybuilders. The World Health Organization (WHO) states that clinical data support that Ginseng is used to enhance mental and physical capacities.   

Health Benefits of Ginseng 

Builds Muscle 

attractive male bodybuilder

Studies have shown that Ginseng effectively increases muscle efficiency and aerobic capacity. It increases protein synthesis in the muscles by encouraging nitrogen retention—the more nitrogen present in the muscle tissues, the more protein it can store. Also, Ginseng helps to decrease cortisol. Cortisol is a hormone that results in the breaking down of muscle, often to produce energy. Therefore, lowering the level of cortisol helps in preserving muscle mass.  

Enhances Energy & Performance 

a man and woman running

It helps fight fatigue & promotes energy levels in the body. Ginseng components, like polysaccharides and oligopeptides, help lower oxidative stress and increase the energy production in cells, resulting in less fatigue & enhanced physical activity. A four-week study explored the effects of giving 1-2 grams of Ginseng or a placebo to 90 people with chronic fatigue. The group consuming Ginseng experienced less physical and mental fatigue and reductions in oxidative stress than those taking the placebo. 

Antioxidant and Anti inflammatory 

overtraining injury

Ginseng is one of the most potent antioxidants and it has anti-inflammatory properties as well. Intense physical activities, high-sugar diets, environmental toxins, chemicals, and stress increase oxidative free radicals' production in your body. The abundance of free radicals can cause cell damage and lead to premature aging, metabolic issues, and poor exercise recovery. Supplementation of Ginseng extract can be beneficial as the ginsenoside compound reduces inflammation and improves the body's antioxidant activity.  

Many studies show Ginseng to lower or reverse oxidative damage in the human body. A 2011 research shows that four weeks of supplementation of Ginseng extract at just 2 grams per day reduced markers of oxidative stress & inflammation in healthy people. 

Regulates Blood Sugar Levels 

bread loafs and potato

Every time you consume food, your body releases insulin that enters your bloodstream. It reaches all the tissues in the body and aids muscle development. American and Asian Ginseng seems to improve pancreatic cell function, boost insulin production, and enhance blood sugar uptake in tissues, resulting in enhanced muscle growth. Ginseng is beneficial in regulating the blood glucose level in people both with and without diabetes. Furthermore, studies show that ginseng extract help by providing antioxidant protection that reduces free radicals in the cells of those with diabetes. 

Recommended Dosages & Side Effects 

According to various studies, there is no specific recommended dosage for Ginseng. How much you should consume depends on the condition you want to improve. However, daily doses of 200–400 mg of the extract is beneficial in most cases. The best recommendation is, to begin with, lower doses and increase gradually over time. 

A standard ginseng extract containing 2–3% total ginsenosides works best, and consuming it before meals increase the absorption to reap the full benefits. Considering, Ginseng is an adaptogen, you better cycle on and off of it often to get the best results.  

Ginseng appears to be safe and should not produce any serious adverse effects. However, people on diabetes medications should closely monitor their blood sugar levels when consuming Ginseng. Lastly, the evidence suggests that the extended use of Ginseng could decline its effectiveness for your body. Therefore, to maximize its benefits, you should consume Ginseng in 2–3-week cycles with a one or two-week break in between.

Bottom Line 

Ginseng is an herbal supplement that is known for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. Also, it helps regulate blood sugar levels in the body. What is more, Ginseng might strengthen the immune system, enhance brain function, fight fatigue, and increase muscle mass. The easiest way to add Ginseng to your daily diet is through Epicvita Maximult that contains Ginseng extract at the exact quantities to benefit athletes, weight trainers and bodybuilders. The quantity of Ginseng is scientifically dosed in a way that it can be consumed long-term without need for cycling. 

Whether you want to improve a specific condition or give your health a boost, Ginseng is a worthy inclusion to your daily diet.


Bach, H. V., Kim, J., Myung, S. K., & Cho, Y. (2016). Efficacy of Ginseng Supplements on Fatigue and Physical Performance: a Meta-analysis. 

Oliynyk, S., & Oh, S. (2013). Actoprotective effect of Ginseng: improving mental and physical performance. 

Kim, H. G., Yoo, S. R., Park, H. J., Lee, N. H., Shin, J. W., Sathyanath, R., ... & Son, C. G. (2011). Antioxidant effects of Panax ginseng CA Meyer in healthy subjects: a randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trial 

Yue, P. Y. K., Mak, N. K., Cheng, Y. K., Leung, K. W., Ng, T. B., Fan, D. T. P., ... & Wong, R. N. S. (2007). Pharmacogenomics and the Yin/Yang actions of Ginseng: anti-tumor, angiomodulating, and steroid-like activities of ginsenosides  

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