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The second wave of COVID is upon us, and it’s more deadly this time. People are feeling restless, tensed and are worried all the time. They have got reasons to feel so. Some are mourning the deaths of their loved ones, some are tensed about a family or a friend who is hospitalized whereas others are stressed out from the fear that they might get infected.

The unexpected rise of Covid-19 cases has sky rocketed stress levels and across age groups affected people's mental health. Neglected mental health problems can escalate and may cause severe disorders like depression or anxiety disorders. It can also significantly impact physical health by weakening your immune system, and affect the cardiovascular system.

Therefore, it is particularly important for you to focus on your mental health and make room for changes and adjustments to save yourself from the emotional drainage and maintain your mental wellbeing during these unprecedented times. Here are a few ways you make your mental health a priority during COVID-19.

Limit the Amount of News You Watch

sleepy man watching TV

Of course, staying informed is crucial, but the continual barrage of news articles may be overwhelming at times. In addition, they may become distressing after a time, and watching the 24-hour news cycle can cause a great deal of anxiety.

Instead, set aside some time to watch something entertaining. Maybe there's a movie on Netflix that you've always wanted to see. Perhaps you'd like to watch a funny movie that’s playing on cable?

The essential thing is to make sure you don't suffer from information overload. Instead, give your mind a rest by allowing it to "have fun" with more pleasant entertainment.

Talk to People

woman face timing her friend

Your social life has transformed because of social distancing, but it doesn't mean you can't keep in contact with those who matter to you. Whenever you feel like you are getting too overwhelmed with work or the negativity around, make sure to give your loved ones a call. Reconnecting with old friends or family, you may have lost touch with over the years be therapeutic. 

We are all still human beings. In the face of the unknown, personal connection is what matters. 

Practice Meditation 

woman doing meditation

Many studies have shown that meditation relaxes both your body and mind. All you need is a quiet location, a comfortable position, and an open mind. How does meditation help? Studies show that meditation:

  • Relieves stress.
  • Reduces negative emotions and creates positivity.
  • Helps in creativity.
  • Allows you to focus on the present.

The practice of meditation can reveal to you more of your mental capacity.

Use Social Media Carefully

girl holding phone

Of course, what better way to keep in touch with friends and family than by using Facebook or Instagram? Social media offers many advantages, but it also has certain disadvantages. Many people use social media as a tool to spread hateful or misleading information. Unfortunately, just because something appeared on social media does not mean it is genuine. The last thing you need in these times is stress caused by misleading information.

Follow a Routine

woman checking calendar

Having a routine is one of the most effective ways for maintaining a sense of normalcy. Breaking up the day can assist in preventing boredom and boosting productivity. Make a routine that helps you maintain a balance between your work and life.

Set time aside to breathe, know it is OK to ask for help, set daily routines that include being creative. Stay informed through reliable sources, and remember you are NOT ALONE!

Maintain a Healthy Diet & Stay Physically Active

healthy food and lifestyle

Many of us reach for junk foods in stressful situations because it helps us feel better by increasing our dopamine levels for a short period. But these foods are not good for our overall health and wellbeing. This could lead to obesity and could further complications. Therefore, it is essential to maintain a healthy diet and do any kind of workout to stay physically active. We know the gyms are closed, and it becomes challenging to work out with minimal equipment. But, even a 10-minute bodyweight workout can have a positive impact on your mental health.

Here are a few things you can do to incorporate more activity into your day based on your abilities:

  • Brisk Walking (on the terrace or back yard or even indoors from room to room)
  • Dynamic Stretching
  • Yoga
  • Dancing (An awesome stress buster!!)
  • Home Bodyweight Workouts

You can always find follow videos, use fitness apps, and online training sessions without needing to leave your home and using minimal equipment.

Get enough sleep

woman sleeping on bed

We are all aware that getting enough sleep improves our mood and health. Therefore, make a habit of going to bed and waking up at the same time every day. Please do not use your phone or watch TV before going to bed as it affects the quality of your sleep. To help get a good night's sleep, you may also meditate for a few minutes or read a book.

The Bottom Line

Challenging situations are a part of life, and this COVID-19 pandemic has further highlighted the need to normalize prioritizing mental health. The best way to support ourselves and others is to be more proactive and focus on mental wellbeing. Do know that you are not going through this alone, and help is available.

Life doesn’t get easier or more forgiving, we get stronger and more resilient!! This too shall pass.🙏🏼

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